UAE phone lovers going to stores to take BlackBerry Z10s

2:40 PM By Anonymous ,

We have a nice information for you that the BlackBerry'smake or break Z10 phone is now in the markets of UAE and the market heads are saying that this device get most popular device and people are loving this blackberry Z10. They are expecting that this device is the popular device of this year 2013.

The Axiom Telecom CEO Faisal Al Bannai is also saying that with this touch screen blackberry Z10 the Blackberry Company regain its popularity which is lost due to his rivals like Apple and Samsung. He said that “The BlackBerry Z10 is already shaping up to be one of the UAE’s best-selling smartphones for 2013.”

In UAE there are lots of rush in the markets of handsets, people are coming to take blackberry Z10. This phone is mostly liked by the UAE people and makes a great market here. Axiom boss is also saying that “the UAE is one of most enthusiastic and vibrant BlackBerry markets in the world.”

Now see that what will happen when this blackberry is in the markets of other countries.
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