New Look To Facebook Login Page

Facebook a top Social Networking Website, always try to implement new design to it Login Screen.From Last few month Facebook try to Change its Login  page look day by day. But Before taking about the new design Here is the old design of Facebook

Even the old design of Facebook is not too bad.But the new design which now Facebook which has released gives a social feeling for Facebook user's  as well as good for Touchscreen gadgets.
Here is the Latest Look of Facebook Seen on 6th of Jan 2013

So we can say Good bye to the old look of Facebook page and welcome to the new Look. They might be continues change in the Login Page because they don't want to be like any other website.Some other Log In                       Screens which are seen from last few months are

And There are many more .As we expect there will be more and more Login screens Of Facebook in coming days.


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