How to Sort YouTube Videos by Date, Rating and View Count in the New Layout
Google introduced a new interface for YouTube at end of 2012 in which Google try to align this new interface with his social website Google+ . This is second time Google is experimenting interfaces on YouTube before that it changed the place of header/title of video. Now it added flexibility in the search by allowing the user to sort out his Search query with different formats so that he can find the relative video just using this sorting quickly.
In this new Feature we can sort out list of videos in following ways:
2.Upload date.
3.View count.
To sort out video Follow Steps:
Go to YouTube site and Enter your Search term when you got result Click on filters as in Following Pictures
Select the option of which type of sorting you want and all videos will be sorted in that particular way.
Manually Sorting
Select the option of which type of sorting you want and all videos will be sorted in that particular way.
Manually Sorting
You can this do manually also by entering some queries right after the url address of the video.
- To sort by View count add: &search_sort=video_view_count
- To sort by Rating add: &search_sort=video_avg_rating
- To sort by upload date add: &search_sort=video_date_uploaded
In following picture we add : &search_sort=video_view_count to srt videos which have most views appear first
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