How to Start a Group Chat on Skype

Skype , one of the Web's most popular video chat clients which provide the advantage of on-line video chatting. But now more recently, it is updated with a  newest version which will include a new group chat feature that will allow up to five people to video chat with each other at once.

To add such a feature to your Skype you must go through the following steps:-

STEP 1 Firstly view your groups, located at your "contacts" tab at the middle of the skype application.

STEP2 Then right click on the "groups" bar(it is located above the individual contact) and start chat with you   

STEP 3 If you don't see the group bar then
            Choose from a complete range of certificates with the strongest SSL
STEP 4 Then choose " Start Group Chat." 

STEP 5 Then you chat will start with your friends in that group.

STEP 6 If you want to add another friend in between use" Add More People To This Chat" this button is at lower-
             right corner of the chat window.

STEP 7 Click the " Add More " button .

STEP 8 Click the "Add" button .

STEP 9 Click "OK" 
