An easy way to make the pendrive bootable

STEPS to make a pendrive bootable:
a) Attach pendrive to the usb port.
b) Goto start button and open the command line interface using cmd.
c) Now type diskpart and hit enter.
d) After that type listdisk.
e) the result will be the listing of all the disks present.
f) Now choose the disk using the select disk command followed by the disk number mentioned in the listing of disks above.
g) now clean the disk using the clean command.
h) after cleaning the disk create primary partition using create partition primary.
i) primary partition is created.
j) now for formatting first type list partition.
k) it will list all the partitions and now select the partition using select partition followed by partition number.
l) now formatting the partition using format fs = ntfs.
m) formatting of partition will be done in some time.
n) now type active and hit enter.
o) type exit.
p) now pendrive is bootable.
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