How To Make Your Own Profile Picture Into A Smiley On Facebook Chat

10:21 AM By Anonymous ,

Facebook is now giant social media platform and people are chatting 24*7 . And maximum time we use smiley on Facebook chat. Facebook have some default smiley like , etc. But now you can make your own profile into a smiley to use it on chat. Yea I am not joking !! Convert your Facebook profile Picture into a chat smiley.
To use your facebook profile picture as a smiley on chat or comment what you need just your profile id. Open your Facebook profile , you will see a link or URL on address bar of your browser like this where profileid is your facebook profile id. Like my facebook profile id “anzaq.ali”.

Now when you need to use your profile photo as smiley just type [[anzaq.ali]] in chat. It will not work if you don’t use two square brackets.
Now use anyone’s profile pic as smiley on facebook chat, you just need profile id.