Bharti Airtel first to launch 4G technology

4:31 AM By rishabh bhalla

Bharti Airtel telecom operators offer the latest 4G technology in India,as it launches the fourth generation mobile services in kolkata.After a great success in 3G and 2G technology ,4G is expected to be 4 time quicker than 3G and 2G.

It would offer services like video conferencing and high-defination mobile TV.Foreigners can now invest directly in Indian stocks.This high speed service was intiated by union communication minister Kapil Sibal.
Bharti Airtel paid about Rs 33 billion in year 2010 to the government for 4G license in 4 states namely punjab, kolkata ,karnataka and maharashtra.They has been allocated by 20 MHz of BWA spectrum in 2.3 GHz frequency band.Moreover ,Bharti Airtel has also disclosed the 4G tariff plans its official website.Airtel is offering 4G services through its USB moderms .Users can use Airtel 4G pre-paid and post-paid. Check out the details about 4G plans here.